I write just about every night either here on this blog, or my Clean Life blog, and then HubPages in which I have over 440 hubs written on alcohol abuse, sobriety, ways to get sober, positive attitudes and much more.
I love writing on alcohol addiction and ways that I found that helped me get and stay sober for almost 5 years now. Writing is really a great help keeping me sober. Everything I write, I have in my mind as I write them, and that is, "this one article I am writing just might help a person somewhere in the world to get and stay sober."
I can't stress enough in my writing just how sobriety has changed my life, and the lives around me, such as my wife, children and Grandchildren. I literally put them through pure hell with my alcohol abuse and never wanting to do anything with them unless I had a drink in my hand.
When I look back in time I feel so ashamed and weak. I was too weak to fight my inner demons that ran my life and other lives for so many years. It truly makes me sick in my stomach now knowing that I put my family and friends behind my addiction to alcohol.
Well, as I write today I am sober and the past is the past and I only now look for much better things to come in my life and the lives that surround me.
If you have recently got sober then I commend you to the highest level in life. Now your job, as is my job, is to remain sober forever, and start to help those that are suffering from an addiction as we were in the past. It is so rewarding to know you have helped someone to make up their minds to stop drinking.
It truly wasn't that hard to quit drinking once I made up my mind and got out of the denial I lived in for so many years. Once I admitted I truly had an alcohol problem, and was willing to surrender once and for all, the rest fell right in place.
Mine you, when you stop drinking, you have to give sobriety 110%. There can not be any thing such as what I used to say, and that is this:
- I will only drink on weekends.
- I will only drink on Holidays and special occasions.
- I will only drink on the days I have off from work.
You are only fooling yourself when you try to do as the above states. Sobriety (LONG TERM SOBRIETY) is all or nothing my friends.